My writing is much better than my photography. Trust me.
Of course, you are the final judge. So please check them out and tell me what you think.
I have two writing blogs...
The Maynely A Mystery blog (www.maynelyamystery.blogspot.com) for information regarding my cozy mystery set on Mayne Island.
My brand new blog (www.authorleannedyck.wordpress.com) about author Leanne Dyck's life on a small island.
And a one knitting blog
This blog will be deleted soon (http://oknitting2.blogspot.com) Why will it be deleted? Is it as bad as my photography? Um, no nothing is as bad as my photography. It's simply that this blog -- titled Designer's Note -- was about my career as a knitwear designer. And as I have decided to walk a different path -- a writer -- this blog has been rendered obsolete.
Is this all? you ask
Oh, no, my friend there is no end to my fun. To find out what I've been up to, please log on to www.oknitting.com
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